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sober sober." "Gray.. they were thrown into the bed. All of this is just another story on the afternoon of the same day Chu drunk sitting Xu Zhuyu car listening to the fish twitter to introduce her various places in Singapore eat the famous snacks he bought many women like gadgets into Chu drunk bag Until the darkening sky Chu drunk was sent back to the hotel "Do you want to come inside" Chu drunk off when the car turned toward the small fish in the hand blinked like fish "Good ah The hotel I had not lived I went to have a look with your" Fish listens excited to get off "No I sent her back you go to bed earlier" Xu Zhuyu did not turn off the car and rolled down the window of Chu drunk smiled looking down at the direction of her figure to behind her: "little drunk no matter what don't push yourself too hard" Chu was a drunk this sentence ambiguous words get distracted him there fish face disappointment pursed mouth in the car straight sprang hold Xu Zhuyu head pinch his nose whispered in his ear to tell small drunk sister to live with the hotel and so on But in the end the little girl didn't break suddenly stubborn Xu Zhuyu until the front of the car running away Chu Zuicai look back turned and walked on the steps of the hotel main entrance Just go up and saw He Yan Shen stood smoking in front of the door her footsteps paused is just a second then lift a step to go up pass by him wanted to think offering to turn a way: "I do not know you are so clever saw yesterday that several partners have miss Tong's father how didn't you tell me he is a Zhuyu future father-in-law" "Oh yes I remember in Singapore with Qing Tong Yu friendship has always been good did not seem to many relations of cooperation" Chu drunk watching him faint smile but with sarcasm He Yan Shen Dan smiled suddenly mouth spit thin smoke around in front of her Chu drunk asked aside a step glancing at his hands cigarettes lowered the head to ponder for a moment later added: "He Yan Shen you Ayutthaya deep was not I can casually just play it looks like two years ago you are not only manages to have relationship with Xu Chu home become stiff you more caused by the hand of the child with Xu Jia friendship and the media marriage" "You are really thoughtful I should be grateful to you you because of I but again not fold means" "If I was the lucky now I finally have no relationship with you" She suddenly smiled looked at the front of the quietly just smiled at her man deep breath" "You are too cruel with help from Gai disciple. be Shen Jiarong leaves leisurely that two people sit. a face of sad,Related articles: I do not know how long after, the pool of water a little cold down, even the summer through bath built in turn cool land is downward dug pool, also feel some coolness. The emperor heavily coughed, guarding the door eunuchs ladies coming in succession, misty took a square white cotton forward, waiting at the steps. The emperor in my ear light way: "love princess, the rose, caught a cold." My cheeks were red low head, always all is I served him up and dressing, today he probably because I was too tired, then call the person come in to wait upon.,veste moncler, So you have to marry her "Boa fast wronged cry. " Some female sinister smile: "I'm on a diet of it,abercrombie pas cher, do not ask you to your heart afflictive. Lance and Clark don't understand this man is now in a state of morbidity or normal state dark small mouth said: "Mommy.
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